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We Don't Have to Do All the Praying

Pastor Peggy


Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

God never intended to leave our prayer life solely on us. Truly, you must know that we are not capable in our own strengths and ability to truly communicate in praying to our Heavenly Father on our own. He would never set us up for failure. Many times, when we are challenged, we ask others to pray for us, and I thank God for my prayer warriors. I know it’s because of their prayers that helps strengthen me to carry-on. We are all commanded to pray for others. But when we understand the limitation of our ability to foresee what’s going to happen even in the next minute or on tomorrow. It shows us our weakness in prayer. If we had the ability within ourselves to know what tomorrow holds, I promise we would try and stop or block some things from happening. Even Jesus, in his human state, cried out about what he knew was facing him to be removed (Matthew 26:39). Our natural abilities cannot comprehend some of the pain that we have to walk through.

Our Father gave us a part of himself, the Holy Spirit, that makes intercession for us. This is why the Bible says the Holy Spirit is our mediator (Galatians 3:20). God has enlightened our understanding through his word. He is spirit, and they that worship him or come to him, must come to him in spirit, and in truth. The Holy Spirit embodies that truth, and is a spirit.

I want you to imagine for a minute. If you desire to go to the moon, you could not just get in your car and drive there. You could not just walk there or take a plane there. There is special equipment that is designed to help you get to the moon and without that equipment, you cannot get to the moon successfully. Likewise, without the Holy Spirit, we cannot communicate with God properly.

True prayer, “Is God the Holy Spirit talking to God the Father in the name of God the Son, and the believer’s heart is the prayer-room.” a quote by Samuel M. Zwemer

So you see, we don’t have to do all the praying, all the talking, and all the trying to figure it out. By the statement above, you can see the involvement of the Trinity in our prayer life. We can simply use the part of the Trinity that God has given us to help us pray. The children of Israel could not handle God’s voice directly, and neither can we.

In Exodus 19, at Mount Sinai, verse 16 there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled. And they begin to back up from the mountain. All of the Israel’s pleaded with Moses to serve as Israel’s intercessor because they all were afraid when they heard God’s voice and saw His glory in a blazing fire.

Let’s remember that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us as well (Romans 8:34). And the word of God tells us that we could not handle the voice of Jesus either. "His feet were like polished bronze refined in a furnace, and His voice was like the roar of many waters”. (Revelation 1:15)

People of God we do not have to do all the praying. Because the word of God tells us, we don’t even know what we should pray for.

I have lived long enough to know this to be very true and profound in my own life. There have been situations in my life that I never dreamed or ever thought I would have to face or ever deal with. I have learned how to depend on the Holy Spirit in prayer to make intercession for me. God is waiting to do the same for you.

Prayerfully this has helped you see and know that God has prepared help for us in prayer. What we miss in the natural, the spirit of God picks up in the spirit and makes intercession for us. And I am grateful to God for that. Leave me your thoughts, your comments, and your questions. I look forward to staying connected to you!

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Meatrice Bealer
Meatrice Bealer
Oct 10, 2023
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First of all, this is absolutely beautiful. God is good all of the time and knowing that the Holy Spirit is speaking on my behalf is a precious gift. Sometimes I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and I just smile and know it's God's presence which assures me everything will be done by God's will. Just before I decided to read this blog, I received some news that might delay what I am trying to do in my journey with my current job. I started to text my mommy because I often text her when I worry about something which may cause a change in my journey through life. God said nope I am right here to…

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