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God as the Great Physician

Pastor Peggy


Jeremiah 8:22 Is there no balm in Gilead? Is no physician there? Why then has the health of the daughter of my people not been restored?

Jeremiah was asking, was there no physician in Gilead? The people of God had rejected the word of God, and they did not want to hear from the Prophet. Because of it, they couldn’t receive deliverance from their sinful ways. The Prophet was asking is there another way. You and I know there is no other way to be healed from our sinful ways. We have to do it God‘s way. When it comes to our spiritual man, no one can heal spiritual things, but a spiritual God.

Coming to God is like going to the doctor. You know you need help and there’s no one else that can answer the questions about how you’re feeling. The level of what you’re going through leaves you no choice but to make a doctor’s appointment. In other words, pray. In most cases, one visit doesn’t reveal what’s going on with you, but you’ll still miss the follow up. We start to feel better and think that we’re well. Most times, it’s only a temporary fix. On your first visit the doctor asks a lot of questions, possibly orders bloodwork, labs, and other tests. Your background and what’s in your bloodline are what these questions will reveal. Your family history reveals some of the problems you may face.

Likewise, when going to the Lord, what’s in your bloodline may be hindering you, or possibly an even serious matter, killing you. Spiritually, the great physician wants to help you get rid of generational curses (your family history), old mindsets, and bad habits. Some of these issues may require surgery, so deliverance is necessary through the word of God. Your primary care doctor will sometimes refer you to a specialist. That person may specialize in heart disease, cancer, mental health, etc. When you go to God in prayer, he will send you to a specialist that can help you with your problem. The Lord has helpers on earth that he’ll use to help with the challenges that we face. A Pastor, a counselor, a mentor, or even a close friend.

Someone that can help you deal with the very thing that keeps occurring in your life. So, you can see just one trip to the throne room doesn’t solve all our problems. Whatever the specialist may find, they’ll send the results to your primary care doctor. So that Pastor, friend, counselor, or other professional, will begin to pray, and intercede on your behalf to the great physician. They may also give you medication and instructions on how to deal with the problem. Many times, it’s not that the medication doesn’t work, or the instructions were bad. The problem comes when we don’t follow the instructions that the doctor outlines for us. On numerous occasions the doctor has said to me, change your eating habits. I tried to do it on my own, but it just didn’t work. As I incorporated prayer and ask God to give me the strength to do what was needed, I started to see results. Anything that is for our benefit, we have to ask God to help us achieve it.

Likewise, in the word of God, he gives us instructions on how to get positive results. The problem lies with us not following his instructions. The medicine may not taste good, but it’s necessary. This reminds me of a story in the Bible in 2 Kings 5:1-19, a man name Naaman was a leper but also a great leader that was well respected. He was sent to a Prophet of God for instructions on how to be healed, but he thought he would be supernaturally healed. Instead of Elisha the Prophet coming to the door to greet Naaman, he sent a messenger to him saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan River seven times, and your flesh will be restored to you, and you shall be clean.” It wasn’t the greeting he was expecting. It also wasn’t what a man of his status was expecting on how the Lord was going to heal him. As you can see, he had to return seven times in order to be healed. Even if he had gone six times, he would not have been healed, he had to go the full seven times. Sometimes we fall short of what is required of us. The method in which God used to heal him was not favorable. A muddy Jordan River to bring cleansing to this man. But sometimes the thing that is required of us discourages us, so we don’t follow up. We don’t go back for the follow up appointment and we miss out on what God is trying to do in our lives. His ways are not our ways. (Isaiah 55:8)

Coming to God should be about transformation. Transforming our lives from the old man to the new man, through obedience of the word of God, will give us evidence that we’ve been with Him. One dose of the word a day will keep the demons away. James 1:22 tells us “But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” The blood of Jesus will cover us for a lifetime. (Ephesians 1:7) We have to get with the program if we’re going to see major results in our lives. Listen to what James 5:16 says about a person being in right standings with God, “A prayer of a righteous person, when it is brought about, can accomplish much”. The Apostle John wrote in 3 John 1:2, “Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers.” This is the transformation that God desires for us.

Today as you read this blog, let us sit our minds on the things of God. Think about what is required of us from the word of God, and what part we should be doing. He’s not going to do our part for us. Only you and I can take the medicine. Pick up the word and study that which is the medicine. 2 Timothy 2:15, Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. You and I can follow the instructions and allow God to bless our lives or be like the people in Jeremiah 8:22. Know this as you come into his presence with expectations: come expecting great counsel, expect rebuke (correction), expect to be challenged and be ready to say yes to the Lord and trust him with your very life.

I pray this has been helpful to you. Please share with others. Leave your comments, and questions. I look forward to staying connected to you!

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Mar 19, 2024

True meaning of love and sacrifice. My God you are truly amazing and I’m forever thankful for your gift of love that never dies 💕 Iris C.


Mar 18, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Pastor Peggy this is awesome, I Love it and will followe you. You're such a blessing.


Mar 01, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I love you correlated the natural doctor to the super natural doctor. This was also a good lesson on being obedient!

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